Learn ophthalmic acronyms in seconds.
Quickly and easily.

OE Acronyms App is the latest free resource from OphthalmicEdge, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing resources to doctors, students, and patients.


Built by ophthalmic professionals across the world. Level up today.

A library of acronyms.
Just a blink away.

Explore our growing database featuring
 hundreds of ophthalmic acronyms, with new
expert contributions published every month.

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Practice memorization with our flashcard view for any acronym.

Built by ophthalmic professionals around the world.

OE Acronyms is proud to be a
collaborative effort, with contributions from
respected specialists across the globe.

Tommaso Bacci M.D.


Yale L. Fisher M.D.

VRMNY, Bascom Palmer

Marguerite Weinert M.D.

Massachusetts Eye & Ear

Matthew Starr M.D.

Willis Eye Hospital

Noy Ashkenazy M.D.

Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

Omer Triviski M.D., M.B.A.

Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

Kevin Clauss M.D.

Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

Grayson Armstron M.D., MPH

Massachusetts Eye & Ear

Humberto Salazar M.D.

Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

Ellen Koo M.D.

Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

John Sorenson M.D.

Nimesh Patel

Nimesh Patel, M.D.

Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
J William Harbour

J. William Harbour, M.D.

Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

Zelia Correa, M.D.

Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

Expanding the field of
ophthalmology - and counting.

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“Acronyms are everywhere in ophthalmology.  This growing list helps quickly define common and rare abbreviations. Studies are included for the beginner and experienced ophthalmic professional.”

Yale L. Fisher, M.D.

VRMNY / Bascom Palmer

“The Ophthalmic Edge Acronym App can be beneficial to users at any level. Finally there is a fast and reliable tool to access definitions for all those tricky abbreviations we come across on a daily basis. It is a must have for any eye care professional!”

Nimesh Patel

Nimesh A. Patel, M.D.

Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

“The world of ophthalmology is replete with acronyms. While many become routine for practicing clinicians, there remains a need for ophthalmic acronyms within subspecialties and clinical trials to be ‘spelled out’ for other ophthalmologists. Additionally, residents and fellows in training now have a one-stop-shop for learning these often-used but rarely-explained acronyms.”

Grayson Armstrong, M.D., MPH

Massachusetts Eye & Ear


We’re grateful for their generous support.

OphthalmicEdge is appreciative of the continued support of our sponsors. Their contributions to our nonprofit help us keep the OE Acronyms app free for everyone.


Learn ophthalmic acronyms quickly and easily—for free.

Level up with our library of ophthalmic acronyms. Download our app to get started.